Inner Engineering!
Inner Engineering!
Spiritual Maturity is..NOT to hold people and situations responsible for (upsetting) your peace of mind because you and only YOU are responsible for your happiness and peace of Mind and Soul. Walking away from people who seemingly threaten your inner peace, reflects on escapism....whereas accepting them, as they are ..will leave you with no grudge and thus your inner peace will be eternal....
Yes it is, practically possible to just accept the people as they are ...when you start RESPONDING and NOT reacting!!!
Regretfully, we are very capable of making mountain out of a mole!! This is where our thoughts create the situations. So STOP the negativity to build on and BREAK the CYCLE.
To begin with, ACCEPT yourself as you are..i.e. a loving, kind & compassionate soul.
To accept the people as they are, you must remind yourself that everyone is, not only different, but unique.They will do, what they do, because of their nature/social set up and environment. However, deep down, they too have the same soul, like yours.
As a doctor, do we not identify people separately from their disease? Pretty much on those lines.
Once that acceptance has occurred automatically your resilience/patience will increase and their actions will no longer attract reaction from you.
Last bit is your call..based on..deep down,how important they are for you.
You may start the process of healing/transforming these souls to righteous accord or leave them where and how they are.
Over the time, as you grow, you will learn to accept and thus love all beings as they are!
This is in response to a post that mentioned,"Maturity is to walk away from people who threaten your inner peace"