When everything matters, NOTHING Matters

When everything matters, NOTHING Matters

When NOTHING matters, EVERYTHING matters!

Life is in every moment, so live it to the fullest...

Life is a journey between what you have and what you don't.

Irony is..the moment we get what we aspired for, the joy from that vanishes and we start off again.......in the search of..more

In this journey the moment we lose..lose our ego..our search of eternal peace and joy is accomplished coz we become the joy within ourselves.

जीवन का हर सफर है, न मिलने से, मिलने तक !

जब मोह माया में उलझे रहते हैं तब आवश्यकता होती है शुन्य स्तिथि में आने की

और जब शून्य भाव पा लिया तो, दया भाव से परिपूर्ण हो जाते हैं आप।