What is more vital??

What is more vital??


While it is a great remedy to stay positive and feel happy, it is equally important to be real! Yes, do not stay under illusion or feed them because they give you short-term pleasure. For any long lasting happiness, you got to be real, in terms with yourself and life.

In other words, you may want to consider the glass half filled, but remember not to ignore the fact of this glass, being half empty.

Do not go on the sheer face value, of people. Remember there is duality and facad all over! So YOU… BE real!!

It is about ending the duality of life. Try to bring the chords in the middle. The goal of life should be, to be awakened. Soar high into the galaxies but be on the ground. It will take a lot of time and effort to get into an awakened state but being awakened gives you immense stability and eternal inner peace.

Reflect- Is any pleasure worth, if it is at the cost of your own inner well being or peace?