Are you Okay with YOU?

Are you Okay with YOU?
If the answer is, ‘yes’ …. great! It is time to look around and see how you can adorn, yourself further, by nurturing qualities that add value to Project “YOU”!
However if the answer is, ‘NO’ it is time to review your relationship with YOURSELF. Your first responsibility is, towards your own self. So respect and love yourself before you could love others. Accept yourself, as you are and then consider value additions, that enhance your inner joy and peace, in harmony with your true core. The core that is essentially pure and loving. Only one, who has these attributes, can give to others and feel okay with oneself. More so, you can not give, other than, what you have...and remember, just like you, people are willing to accept, useful gifts only. In other words, everyone, at the root level, has the same desire of being loved and respected.