Many men, never fail because they never try!

Many men, never fail because they never try!
If you intend to start up a new venture, the first project one should invest in is, “Project-Me’. This is to prepare yourself 360 degrees, for emotional to spiritual strength.
Essentially do a SWOT analysis for Self. Be true to yourself. Many of the weaknesses that you may have, might be perceived ones and many for real but trifle. These could be addressed proactively/simultaneously, while on your dream project/ startup.
More so, if you reckon they are a part of your core, then find co founders, who have these strengths but may lack a couple of your strengths. This will ensure long lasting partnership and better team dynamics.
If you reckon, you do not need a business partner then, may be, hire such resources. However this may mean a bit of higher costs. Whatsoever, you can not afford to be penny wise and pound foolish, considering the opportunity costs of your start up! Opportunity Cost is not always about money, after all.
While 100% preparation may not be realistic, as in, you would learn to swim only when you enter the water but the fact remains, to begin with, you will have to do away with the fear of drowning. This is where your spirits and attitude becomes cautious and you learn to stay afloat, through the additional equipment and a trainer around.This is the efficacy of having business coaches and support network in a startup. More so, the emotional strength gives you the ability to persevere amidst odds and against the lows. You are only as strong as your weakest think.
Being prepared will lead you to be a winner, irrespective of a Success or Failure. Success would make you feel accomplished and Failure will make you more experienced. You could use that experience to give insights to others, may be, by writing a book or being a start up coach!
Be your own best friend and take steps to keep self motivated because happiness is created, by creating those gratifying moments, that bring you instantaneous joy. So while on your project ensure to take a break for a breakthrough.Go for a date with nature,self or/and your partner/friends or do regular activities that give you a sense of joy and fulfilment.Work-life balance in essence. Being your best friend would also mean that in the event of any pain, owing to the lows, you will not suffer. Pain is inevitable in life, but suffering is a matter of choice.
Given human nature, the joy from the outcome is often short lived because the moment we achieve something, we crave for the next target/stimuli. Hence, just remember that it is all about enjoying the process, more than the final outcome.
Last but not the least, good to have an ongoing review of, why you are doing, what you are doing? This will bring clarity of thoughts and purpose for self. The end goal for anything and everything we do, is HAPPINESS. So despite all preparedness, nothing should be continued on board, either way, if it compromises with your own well being and inner happiness and peace.
Be mindful and keep reminding yourself, that you have made the choice, this way or that way and thus you will not waste any time on thinking over the past, relating it to the future.
Crux? get ready to live in Present.This will energise you to steer through happily, irrespective of your path.