Could we apply the corporate norms to the social bond of marriage/any relationship?

Could we apply the corporate norms to the social bond of marriage/any relationship?
Effective Team building and team playing are equivalent to successful marriage:
Team building: Recruitment stage: What team member would you select? Would you recruit someone who has the same competencies as you and lacks the same skill that you do not have?
Nah!.You would select a team member whose skill set will make your team complete! In other words the selection of a team member in a team of two, is that based on complementarity rather than substitutability The final point of selection is based on like-mindedness. (Compatibility)
In other words there may be many people with the required skill sets but possibly do not have the same wavelength like you.This is where the point of rejection or selection is reiterated, that it is just a matter of being the best fit. It has nothing to do with the individual’s competencies but being a good fit in the given jigsaw puzzle.
Team Playing: Project stage: The team members play to their strengths, for efficient results.There are highs and lows, deadlines to be pursued and each one takes a role of responsibility holding onto transparency and their accountability for the best results.This is swift and flawless only when there is total acceptance for your team member and no undue expectation. It is possible since you are aware of his/her skill sets and hence do not expect anything beyond.
In addition, over the time you do continue to learn from each other, encourage and support each other, for upgrading the skills, thus efficiency, and better outcome!
Marriage is about the same dynamics. Effective team playing and en cashing on each other's strengths and gradually reducing each other’s drawbacks/weaknesses.The first step being total awareness of your partner’s strengths and acceptance of his/her weakness!